Sunday, June 24, 2007

Used car buyers shun advertising cliches

Careless advertising patter can cost used car sales, according to a study for the Craigslist free classified ads website.

'Careful Lady Owner' tops buyer's hate list followed by unexplained technical abbreviations like 'ABS' and 'PAS'.
Terms including 'Fully Loaded, 'No Time-Wasters,' 'Lovely Runner,' 'First to see will buy,' 'genuine reason for sale,' 'priced to sell,' and finally 'Baby Forces sale,' were also loathed.
“Certain phrases turn up so often in used car ads that they have almost become clichés,” said Craigslist boss Jim Buckmaster.
“We're not sure what people have against careful lady owners but it sounds like such owners should consider another approach, especially if they're hoping to sell to men.”
The company employed the YouGov polling organisation to carry out the survey and questioned 2,000 buyers.

DATED: 24.06.07


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