Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cam-belt cover is an 'easy sell' for dealers

WARRANTY ADMINISTRATION Services of Lincoln is providing dealers and traders with a profitable, unique insurance to sell .
Cam Belt Cover provides cover for the internal parts contained within the engine and cylinder head (including the casings) if the cam-belt fails. It provides the motorist with up to £1,000 of cover towards the cost of repair or replacement.
The warranty retails at £39.99 and is aimed at those motorists with older cars who are reluctant to spend hundreds of pounds on all-embracing warranties and, therefore, decide to take their chances.
"For these motorists, or for those on a fixed income, the failure of the cam-belt and the resultant damage, is one of the biggest concerns they have in relation to their cars," said managing director, Alan Davison.

DATED: 26.07.07


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