Friday, July 20, 2007

DVLA claims online record

The DVLA claims to generate more online sales than retail giant Tesco.

Research carried out by the licensing agency claims that more UK shoppers are buying their car tax online, with an average of £4.2m being generated per day – 25 per cent more than Tescos, which generates £3.36m per day.
“Online transactions in general are growing 10 times faster than high street transactions and it’s convenience that’s driving this growth,” said Andrew Rhodes, head of electronic customer services.
According to the DVLA, the online service has generated over £1bn in tax revenue since its launch and collects up to £9.9m on its busiest days.
The agency claimed credit convenience was the reason for its success as applications and payments can be made in an average of four minutes.

DATED: 20.07.07


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