Thursday, August 16, 2007

London congestion charge price rise

Leading industry groups have criticised London Mayor Ken Livingstone's plans to increase the capital's congestion charge for high emissions vehicles to £25. The plans were unveiled last week and, if approved, would see:
Low-CO2 emitting cars - 100% discount (£0). Includes cars in Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) Bands A and B (less than 120g CO2 per km) which also meet Euro4 air quality standard
The majority of cars - VED Bands C, D, E and those in F with emissions up to 225g CO2 per km - will continue to pay exactly the same daily charge as at present - £8
The highest CO2 emitting cars - VED Band G and equivalent vehicles (above 225g CO2 per km), as well as those registered pre March 2001 with engines larger than 3,000 cc, will pay £25 a day.

DATED: 16.08.07


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