Wednesday, August 08, 2007

No haggling please, we're British

Hagglers and time wasters top poll on causes of 'sale rage'
The growth of car boot sales and eBay culture hasn't managed to overcome our traditional British dislike of the private sale according to the results of a new survey. In fact it seems that selling privately can often trigger 'sale rage', especially amongst men who are fed up with hagglers and time wasters.
A poll of car sellers, conducted by online car purchasing service, revealed that we all dislike the hassles associated with selling, especially items as important as our cars.
It seems to be the other people involved that really get us mad, with 'hagglers' and 'time wasters' causing the most distress (reported as the main cause of irritation in 51% and 56% of cases respectively).
Men seem to find the selling process particularly stressful and are 70% more likely than women to suffer from some form of sale rage.

DATED: 08.08.07


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