Friday, March 14, 2008

DVLA made £9m selling motorists' details

The Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has made more than £9m by selling motorists' personal details.
For £2.50, car parking and clamping firms can buy personal records of motorists staying too long on their property.
The DVLA has earned £9m through the practice since 2002. In 2007 alone, it pulled £3.7m by selling the names and addresses of more than 1.3 million registered vehicle owners to private companies.
Mike Hancock, MP for Porstmouth South said: "I think the figures are outrageous. I don't think they should be allowed to sell people's personal details and I think the government should step in now to stop it.
"This is an alarming trend where peole's information is being used to make profits. It's an utter disgrace."

DATED: 14.03.08


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