Saturday, August 09, 2008

Caffyns chairman retires

Brian Carte has stepped down as chairman of Caffyns due to health reasons.
Brian Birkenhead, previously Caffyns’ audit committee chairman, has been appointed as the new Caffyns chairman with immediate effect. Andrew Goodburn will take over Birkenhead’s old role as well as continuing to assume his position as senior independent director.
Carte served for 12 years as a non-executive director on the Caffyns board including the last five years as chairman.
Caffyns also announced that Nicholas Hollingworth has been appointed as chairman of the remuneration committee.
Simon Caffyn, Caffyns chief executive, said: "On behalf of the board, I would like to thank Brian Carte for his very considerable contribution to the group over more than 12 years.
"His expertise and wise counsel have been very much appreciated."

DATED: 09.08.08


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