Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Dealers should target new areas

Dealers focusing too closely on retail sales are missing out on lucrative revenue opportunities as the economy tightens, according to Network Automotive.The motor industry consultancy said dealers should target Motability sales, public sector fleets, blue light services, driving schools and diplomatic and tax free sales during the downturn in the new car market.
Network Automotive director Tim McGing said: "Dealers and manufacturers that have centred their efforts on retail sales are the ones that are really suffering the most at the moment because demand has fallen so much there.
"But there are sectors that offer continuing opportunities during poor economic conditions and, if success can be found there, can potentially bring ongoing sales because they are not so closely linked to the general economy."
McGing advised dealers to carefully plan moving into new sales areas.
"Because they're specialist sectors, you have to look at where the car sales would go and where it would make a difference," he said.

DATED: 09.09.08


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