Friday, November 14, 2008

RMIF continues to lobby on business rate relief

‘Business rate relief is a key issue for motor retail businesses, many of whom are at present paying over the odds for sites that are not being used at present, and we are continuing to lobby Government to take this into account,' said Paul Williams, Chairman of the Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMIF).

Williams spoke to a number of MPs on this issue at the RMIF Parliamentary Dinner 2008, held at the Houses of Parliament last night (Wednesday 12 November).

Under current rules,  businesses pay the same level of council business rates on unused buildings as they do on those that are in use and commercially active. Williams commented: ‘This is unfair and impractical, as the owners are not deriving any benefit from these unused buildings.'

The economy could be adversely affected as well: ‘In some cases it is cheaper to demolish a building, which reduces UK commercial building stock, and will affect future prosperity in the long term,' said Williams.

The impact of Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) refund changes on dealerships, and  the imposition of the new benefits in kind regime were also discussed.

Williams adds: ‘The RMIF will continue to push these issues to the fore on behalf of its membership.'

DATED: 14.11.08


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