Thursday, December 18, 2008

VW & Porsche Unions make peace

MUNICH -- Volkswagen's union chief Bernd Osterloh has taken the top role in Porsche Automobil Holding's works council.
The move resolves one issue in a dispute between Porsche and VW over Porsche's plan to control VW, Europe's biggest carmaker.
Osterloh, who is head of VW's works council, has been demanding more workers' rights in Porsche Automobil's works council.
Osterloh claimed Porsche aims to create a two-class system in which 12,000 Porsche employees outrank VW's 360,000 workforce.
Porsche Automobil's 40-member works council will now have 20 employee representatives each from VW and Porsche.
But VW's votes will carry greater weight reflecting the carmaker's larger work force, a Porsche Automobil spokesman said.

DATED: 18.12.08


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