Thursday, January 29, 2009

SMMT response to support announcement

Commenting on today's meeting with the secretary of state for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR), SMMT chief executive Paul Everitt said: "It was a serious and constructive meeting underlining the strategic importance of the UK motor industry. We acknowledged the positive steps set out in yesterday's statement and have agreed to work together to ensure that companies of all sizes are able to access the various government support schemes, including those announced yesterday. "As an industry, we emphasised the lack of specific proposals to stimulate demand in the market and ease consumer credit, but have agreed to meet officials later this week to discuss technical issues holding up the ability of vehicle financing arms to get access to Bank of England funding. "In addition, we will have further discussions on measures to stimulate consumer demand, including reviewing action and planned action in other EU member states."

DATED: 29.01.09


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