Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Virgins enter dealer network

MOTORISTS who are holding onto their cars for longer has led one company to label a new customer type. ‘MOT virgins’ are people who have never before kept a car long enough to put it through the MOT test.

Now, due to the recession, they are choosing to keep their current car instead of trading for a new one. This means the first MOT at 3 years is something they’ve never experienced before.
Kwik-Fit says there are 2 million of them out there, too!

It means YOUR aftersales department will see more of this type of customer. It is thus important to reassure them with the right information.
Kwik-Fit says you should explain the system fully, ensuring they’re fully up to speed with the processes and the legal side. Also, reassure them – two thirds of cars pass their MOTs first time.

David White, customer services director at Kwik-Fit, said: ‘With new car sales sliding, 2009 looks set to be the year that MOT virgins come of age.’ Can you capitalise on them popping their MOT cherry?

DATED: 28.01.09


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