Sunday, March 08, 2009

Audi boss calls for industry optimism

Audi chairman Rupert Stadler says he expects a slow recovery in car sales by the end of the year and has called on managers to stop 'moaning' about the crisis that is engulfing the motor industry. He has predicted that the last three months of 2009 could see the first signs of a reversal in the downward sales trend. Mr Stadler said: "I do not give up my glimmer of hope, which is that we will see the light at the end of the tunnel by the end of 2009 or the beginning of 2010." He wants managers to be more optimistic saying: "There is always light and shadow. We have two ways. We can all join in the moaning, or we can make a virtue out of the plight. I am rather doing the latter, looking forward and taking care for some optimism."

DATED: 08.03.09


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