Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Government to launch £2,000 'scrappage' scheme in April

Business Secretary Lord Mandelson is preparing to launch a £2,000 'scrappage' scheme next month in a bid to kick-start UK car sales. It is understood that talks on the launch of a 'scrappage' scheme, which has been promoted by the motor industry, are at an advanced stage. It is possible that the launch of the initiative could be contained in the Government's Budget statement on April 22. Under the plan, owners of cars and vans more than nine years old would be entitled to a £2,000 discount on the purchase of any new or one-year-year-old car or van bought at a dealership. Owners of the old vehicles would have to deliver them to one of a number of car recycling plants and receive a certificate of 'scrapping'. They would then present this to a dealer and receive the Government-funded £2,000 discount.

DATED: 17.03.09


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