Monday, June 01, 2009
Motor Industry Code - RMIF says get off the fence

The RMIF has made clear its support for the Code and urges the industry as a whole to give their support by joining up.
Owen continues: 'The Government's intention was never made clearer than by the statement issued by the Department for Business, Enterprise, and Regulatory Reform (BERR). Consumer Affairs Minister Gareth Thomas called on the independent garage sector to subscribe to Code to help consumers to identify garages which are responsible and reliable businesses.'
' It can't be made any clearer than that,' added Owen
Owen continues: 'Those businesses who are sitting on the fence watching which of the myriad of codes circulating in the industry will work are missing the point in truth; there is only one code now. While others may offer marketing initiatives, customer satisfaction indices or signage they are only pretenders to the throne. This does not decry other code initiatives but the RMIF would suggest that businesses that want elements from other codes may have to become members of both.'
'Initial results from the Code are very encouraging and reflect a very different picture than those on which the 'Super Complaint' was based. Out of all the complaints received most were about failure of communication and understanding and were resolved immediately requiring no further action to be taken. A mere handful were justifiable complaints and these were also resolved promptly leaving less than ten to be arbitrated.'
Owen adds: 'The message is don't be afraid of the code, it is actually proving what a good job you do.'
DATED: 01.06.09