Wednesday, November 04, 2009

DVLA launches new memorable vehicle tax line

DVLA has launched a new memorable 0300 telephone line for motorists to tax their vehicles. The new number, 0300 1234 321, is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and takes less than 4 minutes to use. The service automatically checks that correct insurance and MOT documents are in place.

The popularity of the environmentally-friendly phone and online service is growing, with more than half of last month's vehicle tax renewals completed this way.

Andrew Rhodes, DVLA's director of products and services, said: 'We listened when our customers told us they wanted to have the option to interact digitally with DVLA, and we are constantly aiming to improve our services. By providing a new memorable renewal number we hope to make it even easier for motorists to tax their vehicle.

DATED: 04.11.09


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