Friday, April 30, 2010

New technology puts dodgy car dealers on the scrapheap

The introduction of swappage schemes by car manufacturers could pave the way for a new generation of dodgy salesmen.

Consumers are being warned to be on their guard, as their current car might be worth more than the typical £2,000 discount offered under a manufacturer's swappage scheme.

That's according to Trimble MRM, experts in telematics, who are concerned that dishonest dealers will try and undervalue older cars.

But, the latest technology from Trimble MRM could provide the answer at a touch of a button.

Trimble's in-vehicle box - known in the industry as the TVG660 - provides 'Vehicle DNA' and is already being used by companies such as BT and British Gas.

The box, which fits into any vehicle, reports information on a car's condition, its mileage, how it has been driven, fuel and mpg efficiency, as well as CO2 emissions.

"The technology is simple," says Andrew Yeoman, MD of Trimble MRM Europe. "If it was available to consumers adopting the car swappage scheme, the stereotype of crooked car salesmen would be a thing of the past."

'Vehicle DNA' information can show whether there has been excessive harsh braking or speeding and even what type of journeys the vehicle has been used for giving a clearer picture of its condition and value.

!If a car is driven well, drivers could be entitled to far more than £2,000 in a swappage scheme," says Yeoman. "It is the perfect solution for both consumers and car manufacturers."

DATED: 30.04.10


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