Thursday, October 13, 2011
Arnold Clark takes on Chrysler and Jeep

Arnold Clark has added the Chrysler and Jeep franchise for the first time and the brands will join its Fiat dealerships in Ashton, Ayr (pictured with Mark Crockart, general manager) and Elgin.
Chrysler and Jeep are now part of the Fiat Group after it rescused the brands from bankruptcy in 2009.
Chairman Sir Arnold Clark said: "This is a new and exciting opportunity for the Arnold Clark Group and we look forward to meeting and welcoming both new and existing customers to our dealerships in Ashton, Ayr and Elgin, where we continue to offer genuine value for money and high levels of customer satisfaction traditionally associated with Arnold Clark."
The expansion into new brands follows the group’s better than expected results from last year. Pre-tax profits were down by 31.7% from £73.9 million to £50.5m in 2010. However, turnover was up by 6.1% to £2.271 billion, net assets were up 8% to £447m and new car unit sales were up 3% to 77,626 units.
The group continues to be acquisitive and Sir Arnold said the business will "take advantage of any suitable expansion opportunities that may arise".
DATED: 13.10.11