Thursday, April 25, 2013
BVRLA wins Congestion Charge concession

Leased cars emitting 100g/km of CO2 or under have been granted a further 12 months of London Congestion Charge-free travel thanks to lobbying from the BVRLA.
Transport for London is introducing a new 100% Ultra Low Emission Discount (ULED) for the London Congestion Charge on 1 July 2013, with a stricter emissions threshold of 75g/km of CO2 or lower. Although this will replace the existing Greener Vehicle Discount (GVD) currently available to cars emitting 100g/km CO2 or under, TfL has now agreed that cars registered for the GVD before July will continue to enjoy the 100% discount for a further three years, a year longer than previously intended.
TfL has said it will extend the lifespan of its 100% Greener Vehicle Discount (GVD) until 24th June 2016, meaning that a customer driving a qualifying car on a typical lease contract can enjoy the discount throughout their agreement.
The ULED being introduced in July will replace the existing GVD and Electric Vehicle Discount, providing a single 100% Congestion Charge rebate for electric cars and vans and those emitting 75g/km of CO2 or less.
"We applaud TfL's pragmatic approach to Congestion Charge discounts", said BVRLA legal and policy director, Jay Parmar.
"There aren't many sub-75g/km vehicles out there, so extending the life of the previous GVD, which is available for sub-100g/km cars, will give fleets a more realistic opportunity to choose greener, Congestion Charge-free models.
"However, we are disappointed that TfL has not listened to our calls to support the used market for sub-100g/km cars by allowing them to be sold to the second buyer with the discount."
About the BVRLA:
The British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association is the national trade body for companies engaged in the leasing and rental of cars and commercial vehicles. Its members provide short-term rental, contract hire and fleet management services to corporate users and consumers. They operate a combined fleet of around 2.75 million cars, vans and trucks, buying nearly half of all new vehicles sold in the UK. Through its members and their customers, the BVRLA represents the interests of more than two million business car drivers and the millions of people who use a rental vehicle each year. As well as lobbying the government on key issues affecting the sector, the BVRLA regulates its members through a mandatory code of conduct.
Please visit to find out more.
DATED: 25.04.13