Thursday, April 25, 2013
GROUPAUTO approved network launch reflects independent growth trend within Motor Codes

Trading Standards-backed garage code offers greatest choice for customers
- 441 independent garages commit to Motor Codes in 2013
- GROUPAUTO launches
- All members - 300 in phase one - subscribe to Motor Codes to demonstrate commitment to quality and transparency
- Motor Codes network exceeds 7,400 garages nationwide, with 1,818 of those being independents.
- Motor Codes is the largest approved network of independent garages and the only code to provide whole-life vehicle protection to customers of both independent and franchised garages.
The launch this month of GROUPAUTO, an independent garage scheme that mandates commitment to Motor Codes for its members, has added 300 garages to the Motor Codes network, swelling the independent ranks of its Service and Repair Code to over 1,800.
Significant growth in independent garage subscription, with 441 new subscribers so far in 2013, has cemented the position of Motor Codes in the consumer landscape as the one-stop-shop for car servicing customers searching for a reputable garage.
Chris Mason, managing director at Motor Codes points to the GROUPAUTO move as one which increases protection for car owners and shows that the commitment of the diverse sectors within the automotive industry has paid off:
"Tasked by the government to tackle rising complaint levels and to provide an inclusive organisation that delivered comprehensive reassurance to car owners, we have pursued an open, "one industry one code" approach to self-regulation.
"That approach has paid dividends, relegating complaints about new cars from the top tier of government league tables and providing a safe haven for service and repair customers of any type of garage that commits to the transparency of Motor Codes subscription. This latest partnership with GROUPAUTO, committing hundreds more garages to quality and transparency, is another win for the consumer who now has a single port of call, through Motor Codes, to find a government-backed garage."
Crucially for consumers, Motor Codes works at the heart of the government's self-regulatory set-up, not just operating Trading Standards approved codes but also formally partnering Citizens Advice in its call-handling operation where calls relate to car purchases and warranty claims.
The diversity of Motor Codes' make-up is reflected in its subscription numbers, with almost a quarter of its 7,438 members being independent garages.
More information on subscription benefits can be found at
DATED: 25.04.13