Friday, May 10, 2013
Locals love Dick Lovett’s plans for a new Porsche Centre

PLANS for a new Porsche dealership on the M5 near Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire have been praised by local councillors.
The proposal from Dick Lovett Companies Ltd would be a prominent and large showroom close to the junction nine roundabout on the M5.
A Dick Lovett spokesman told theGloucestershire Echo : ‘This development will create an impressive feature on the edge of this major road system and entrance gateway to Tewkesbury.’
The showroom would add to the company’s centres in Swindon, Bristol and Cardiff, and the two and a half acre site would include a large showroom, service centre and customer car park.
Tewkesbury town mayor Ken Powell said ‘It’s good news and should provide a bit more extra employment for the town. That piece of land has been empty for a long time.’
Shopkeeper Nickie Philipson-Stow, a member of Tewkesbury Chamber of Commerce’s committee said: ‘A Porsche garage will be lovely, very smart and a good investment in Tewkesbury.’
The corner plot, between Travelodge and communication firm RR Donnelley, has been available for development for years.
The Dick Lovett spokesman added: ‘Porsche, as well as all other makes of specialist cars, require a large display area per car making for a larger showroom and workshop than would normally be required.
‘On a site of this size in this location, a development such as this can be easily accommodated and will not increase vehicle traffic excessively in the area. The proposed height of the building is no higher than any of the surrounding buildings and the proposed floor area is far smaller than some of the properties in the industrial adjacent estate.’
DATED: 10.05.13