Thursday, June 20, 2013
FLOs and support professionals invited to order free, highly-acclaimed booklets on coping with sudden bereavement

Police FLOs and support professionals are encouraged to order copies of a free booklet ‘Coping with grief when someone you love dies suddenly', produced by Sudden, an initiative by the charity Brake.
The booklet offers vital emotional comfort and reassurance for people bereaved by any kind of sudden death. It has been adapted from Brake's highly acclaimed booklet for people bereaved by road crashes, distributed by police following all UK road deaths for more than a decade.
The guide ‘Coping with grief when someone you love dies suddenly' is designed to be given to suddenly bereaved people in the immediate aftermath of a bereavement, and can offer ongoing comfort in the months following.
The short, easy to digest resource offer readers immediate reassurance that their emotional and physical feelings of shock and grief are a normal reaction in an abnormal situation, and empowers them to seek support to help them cope and go on to lead a full and happy life again. It has been prepared by a team of bereavement experts in consultation with support practitioners and academics.
FLOs and other professionals working with suddenly bereaved people can find out more and order free copies of ‘Coping with grief when someone you love dies suddenly' by emailing or calling 01484 559909.
Louise MacRae, senior helpline officer at Brake, said: "People who suffer a sudden bereavement are usually in deep shock. This can be utterly debilitating and can result in an inability to speak or move, eat or sleep properly. People may scream, cry, shake, be unable to engage with others, feel utterly hopeless or angry, or react in many other ways. All these symptoms are perfectly normal following the devastation of a sudden bereavement. Yet all are very scary and painful to experience. During this shock period it is important to understand what you are going through is a normal reaction, to feel reassured and know that there is support out there you can access. I'd urge anyone who supports suddenly bereaved people to order free copies of this booklet, so they are ready to pass on this vital resource the next time someone needs it."
Feedback on the guide ‘Coping with grief when someone you love dies suddenly':
Anon: "The yellow booklet is very good - it described how I felt and reassured me that I was reacting 'normally' under the circumstances."
Anon: "I have read and reread the yellow booklet and am grateful for the hope it gave me that I would recover from what has happened."
About SuddenSudden helps people who have been bereaved by any kind of sudden death. Sudden believes people bereaved by sudden death suffer terribly and have acute support needs. We also believe these people have a right to recover and lead a full and happy life again. Sudden provides emotional support and practical help to suddenly bereaved people to enable this recovery.
Sudden also runs a membership scheme for anyone caring for someone who has been suddenly bereaved, such as police family liaison officers, health professionals, or teachers. Sudden is a charitable initiative developed by Brake, the road safety charity. Road crashes are one of the biggest causes of sudden death. Brake has extensive experience of providing support to families bereaved suddenly through its support services for families bereaved by road crashes. For more information about Brake's support work see
DATED: 20.06.13