Tuesday, July 23, 2013
RHA comments on MPs’ report on VOSA

The Road Haulage Association notes with much interest the Transport Committee's report of its VOSA inquiry.
RHA Director of Policy, Jack Semple said: "We welcome the emphasis on tackling serious offenders, especially those who falsify tachograph records, and we sincerely hope that the police will be able to provide the support VOSA needs. Hopefully, the report will give added impetus to discussions between VOSA and ACPO.
"It is good to see the positive emphasis placed on the potential for the DfT-chaired Compliance Forum, which was first proposed by the Road Haulage Association. It was established last September and we note the committee's view that "the Forum's effectiveness remains unclear".
"We agree with the committee that VOSA may have an over-reliance on OCRS; our concern in that area relates to all serious offenders, including foreign hauliers and UK firms, regardless of size."
The report's findings in respect of Authorised Testing Facilities will doubtless be welcomed by VOSA's staff union but the RHA disagrees with them on several counts and is surprised that the rate of development of ATFs is judged to have been too rapid. It falls far short of the original targets set by the DfT.
Jack Semple continued: "We are disappointed that the MPs reject the case for ending VOSA's monopoly on testing. In particular, we note that the report fails to address a central point made by the RHA, that safety inspections are being carried out either by operators themselves or a maintenance provider, at least four, and very often eight times a year, which must be fully documented. It is a very short step to allow those who are maintaining and inspecting their vehicles to a high standard to perform the EU-mandated annual test. VOSA staff would be much better employed regulating the testing system than carrying out the tests."
The report flags up a keen interest in reviewing the merger of VOSA and the Driving Standards Agency, which was announced after the inquiry had taken evidence and the Association will be contributing its view on this important merger.
DATED: 23.07.13