Monday, July 01, 2013
"We can do Driver CPC better" says RHA

Mandatory training for working truck drivers can and should be improved, says the Road Haulage Association.
The RHA has launched a review of the Driver CPC, an EU-wide mandatory training requirement that came into force almost four years ago. It is clear that the industry itself can make more positive use of the legal requirement and also that it needs to be better informed as to how firms can work within the Directive; and that UK regulators can also improve the way the existing Directive (2003/59/EC) is implemented here.
In the medium term, the UK has an opportunity to help lead the debate about how the EU Directive can be improved so that it is better suited to the industry and uses modern training technology.
Speaking at the RHA Training National Conference at Warwick University, RHA director of policy Jack Semple said that continuous professional development for drivers is by its nature evolving. We should accept that and take a progressive approach to improving the Driver CPC, he said.
The RHA's review will highlight examples of progressive implementation by hauliers; and how UK regulators can help hauliers and trainers to take a flexible, targeted approach to Driver CPC training. The RHA is also considering strong calls from members for new regulation around the idea of requiring annual training - something the RHA pressed for unsuccessfully when the new rules were introduced - and to stop drivers doing the same course up to five times, as a "tick-box" exercise.
The RHA is engaging with the Department for Transport and its agencies on Driver CPC issues. Its Driver CPC review, to be published later this year, will also promote a positive image of the industry - one of the main objectives of the Directive.
Speaking at the RHA Training National Conference at Warwick University, RHA director of policy Jack Semple said that continuous professional development for drivers is by its nature evolving. We should accept that and take a progressive approach to improving the Driver CPC, he said.
The RHA's review will highlight examples of progressive implementation by hauliers; and how UK regulators can help hauliers and trainers to take a flexible, targeted approach to Driver CPC training. The RHA is also considering strong calls from members for new regulation around the idea of requiring annual training - something the RHA pressed for unsuccessfully when the new rules were introduced - and to stop drivers doing the same course up to five times, as a "tick-box" exercise.
The RHA is engaging with the Department for Transport and its agencies on Driver CPC issues. Its Driver CPC review, to be published later this year, will also promote a positive image of the industry - one of the main objectives of the Directive.
DATED: 01.07.13