Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Workshop explores greater government and fleet industry co-operation

With a fleet of around 2.8 million cars, vans and trucks and an informed customer base making rational business decisions, the vehicle rental and leasing sector represents a powerful ally in delivering the government's transport and emissions targets.
This was one of the conclusions of a recent workshop hosted by the BVRLA and consultants PwC, which included representatives from across government, the fleet sector, research organisations and vehicle manufacturers.
The event was organised to spread awareness of the size and scope of the fleet leasing market, assess the impact of the government's tax regime and explore ways in which policymakers and industry can work together more productively.
"Although we had a broad range of stakeholders present, there was widespread agreement on some key issues," said BVRLA Chief Executive Gerry Keaney. "We all want road transport to be affordable and sustainable, and believe that there should be incentives to use lower-emitting vehicles, but we recognise that the government needs to protect its tax revenues.
"Our sector buys around 50% of all new vehicles registered each year, and if we can work more closely with government, I think we can achieve all these goals."
Notes to Editors
The workshop included representatives from the following organisations:
ACFO, Alphabet GB, BVRLA, Committee on Climate Change, Ecolane Transport Consultancy, Energy Saving Trust, GE Capital Fleet Services, Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions, HM Revenue & Customs, LeasePlan, Lombard Corporate Finance, Loughborough University, LowCVP, OLEV, Oxford Economics, PwC, RAC Foundation, SMMT, TRL, Tusker and Vauxhall.
About the BVRLA
The BVRLA is the UK trade body for companies engaged in the rental and leasing of cars and commercial vehicles. Its members provide short-term rental, contract hire and fleet management services to corporate users and consumers. They operate a combined fleet of around 2.8 million cars, vans and trucks, buying nearly half of all new vehicles sold in the UK.
Through its members and their customers, the BVRLA represents the interests of more than two million business car drivers and the millions of people who use a rental vehicle each year. As well as lobbying the government on key issues affecting the sector, the BVRLA regulates its members through a mandatory code of conduct.
DATED: 23.07.13