Friday, March 27, 2015


Innovation-led car search site,, has today revealed a significant step-change in the volume of unique visitors across its growing network, as measured by comScore, the independent digital analytics company.
The data shows the network continued to expand in January 2015, with growth of 49.8% over the same month in 2014.
Andy Coulthurst, managing director of, explained: "A surge in visits to from mobile and tablet devices, continued investment in TV advertising and a commitment to growing the portfolio of sites within our network has driven a record level of in-market car buyers to the platforms that advertise our dealers' stock."
The comScore data measures the network's unique audience at 3.54m unique visitors in January 2015, 64% of the comparative figure for auto classifieds market leader,, which stood at 5.54m. figure has grown from 40% in January 2014.
Coulthurst added: "We are all very excited at being able to deliver this incredible result for our dealers and everything points towards us extending this growth in March. Our new Smart Finger TV campaign has already delivered record response for dealers and stock levels are at an all-time peak of 290,000 cars."
The comScore data for January 2015 also reports a strong position in comparison to smaller car classified sites, with the achieving more than 19 times the number of unique visitors and almost 13 times that of (AA Cars).
The majority of leading UK car dealer groups choose to advertise their used car stock on both the network and with
Dermot Kelleher, director of marketing and business intelligence at, explained: "The data shows that our audience has some overlap However, while both platforms attract a very similar level of car shoppers per car advertised, according to comScore nearly 40% of our unique visitors from desktop and laptop computers in January 2015 did not at any point during that month. We are therefore generating high volumes of incremental sales for our dealers.
"We rely on comScore audience data as we believe that it accurately reports 'actual' unique visitors, rather than the same visitor simply arriving via multiple devices in the same period."

DATED: 27.03.15


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